Colonel Samuel Waldo
Colonel Samuel Waldo (1721-1770) was the son of Brigadier-General Samuel and Lucy Waldo, and brother of Francis, Hannah, and Ralph. In a …
Colonel Samuel Waldo (1721-1770) was the son of Brigadier-General Samuel and Lucy Waldo, and brother of Francis, Hannah, and Ralph. In a …
Brigadier-General Samuel Waldo was a major player in 18th century Maine/Massachusetts colonial politics. He was the father of Colonel Samuel Waldo, Jr. …
The Waldo family built our home in the 18th century. It is exciting to be able to put faces to the names …
The mortal Remains of MOSES PEARSON ESQr. who departed this Life the 5th day of June A.D. 1778. in the 82d Year …
Circa 1953.